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Common Certificates that are Surety of Quality – Valve Manufacturer

In the valve industry, every second valve manufacturer presents himself as a high-quality and reliable valve manufacturer. They boast to serve in many reputed companies and also present some government units as their regular clients. Some of them also claim that they have full in-house production and they strictly neglect imports from other vendors. At the time of quotation, they rant many things like after-sales services and warranty period, etc. As the valve manufacturers know that the client will not inquire about these things and if he tries to do so, it will be a long process. Overall we all are a shortage of time and all things we need to be as quick as possible so we will not consume your time and elaborate on the key factors to identify a quality valve manufacturer.

Certifications of Valve Manufacturer in India

The certificates are issued by the relevant organizations in the field. Before issuing any certificate to the company, the organization’s officers inspect their product from all sides. When the testing and full inspection of the product is finished and qualified with assertive results. After that, they certify that company for that particular product only. It seems very simple but passing the parameters with the random product is such a big challenge. Here we can see that the valve manufacturer can have more than one certificate for their various products. If the main product has some accessories on it, then it’s beneficial to have the certificates of the main product and accessories as well. If we check the automation valves, you can look for CE-approved solenoid coils or ATEX-certified pneumatic actuators. Here we focus on some famous certificates that certify the most usable products.

CE- Approval

CE marks are product certifications that indicate a product is in compliance with relevant European directives. A wide range of products sold within or exported to Europe must meet this requirement. When a product has the CE mark, the manufacturer accepts responsibility for ensuring that it complies with all applicable European health, safety, performance, and environmental requirements. The aira Euro Automation has acquired a CE certificate for Solenoid, Positioner, Ball Valves, and Micro Limit Switch Box.

EIL – Engineers India Limited

Engineers India Limited is an Indian government firm. Under Indian government control, it is owned by the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. This certificate is most important for the valves used in refineries. Well-known petroleum companies like ONGC, GAIL, Reliance Petroleum, welcome EIL certified valves manufacturer in India. Aira Euro Automation has gained this certificate for multiport ball valves, which is best suitable for mixing and diverting actions.

SIL – Safety Integrity Level

IEC 61508 defines SIL 3 as one of the levels of safety integrity. It is defined by a risk reduction factor between 1.000 and 10.000 failures on demand and a probability of failure of 10-8 to 10-7 per hour. The acceptable failure level for a security function is a quantitative measurement of its safety and reliability, therefore. SIL 1 to SIL 4 are the four safety integrity levels defined by IEC 61508. There are most industrial operations that are economical feasible with SIL 3.

The Aira Euro Automation is certified with SIL 3 for Trunnion Ball Valve, Floating Ball Valve, Concentric Butterfly Valve, Double Eccentric Butterfly Valve, Triple Eccentric Butterfly Valve, and Pneumatic Rotary Actuator.

API – American Petroleum Institute

The American Petroleum Institute represents the oil and gas industry as the largest trade association in the United States. In addition to producing, refining, and distributing petroleum, it also represents nearly 600 corporations. In spite of EIL, the valve manufacturers also follow API because to assure foreign consumers. Aira Euro Automation makes API-certified Ball valves and Butterfly Valves.

IBR – Indian Boilers Regulations

IBRs (Indian Boiler Regulations) are a set of standards governing the materials, design and construction, inspection, and testing of boilers and boiler components for compliance by boiler manufacturers and users in India. To use any device in boilers, it should be IBR approved. Generally, pressure relief valves which are also known as safety valves, are required to be IBR approved.

ATEX Certificate

ATEX certification ensures that equipment will operate safely in a potentially explosive environment if used according to the manufacturer’s instructions. ATEX certification is required for explosive atmosphere equipment used within the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). Many Indian and Asian industrialists are looking for ATEX-certified products. The Aira Euro Automation offers ATEX-certified Pneumatic Actuators, Coils, and Limit Switches.

These all certificates are an assurance from the valve manufacturers that their product is genuine and will perform best as per the commitment. In spite of these certificates, Aira Euro Automation has acquired other quality performing documents and certificates. They boast that they are ready for third-party inspection of their products if buyers request so.